The first international panorama of hybrid statutes in the service of the common good
Over the past decade, new statutes have emerged, in different countries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy mainly), to encourage companies to put their economic performance in the service of a mission (social, societal, environmental or scientific) defined in the social and opposable purpose by stakeholders. This international panorama, published in 2017 in collaboration with ParisTech Mines and the Caisses des Dépôts Group, KPMG France and Sycomore AM, reveals and compares these new hybrids statutes for the first time, inspiring for France.
From the United States to Italy, Canada, and the United Kingdom, mission-led companies are flourishing and reflecting a powerful dynamic. Who are the pioneers? Why do they choose these new hybrid statutes? Why do they commit statutorily themselves beyond existing certifications? How is mission define and assess? How are stakeholders associated with its realization? How does the mission serve performance and vice versa?