Our community DE FACTO

The De Facto community brings French entrepreneurs pioneers of shareholder foundations together, creates a network of European experts and correspondents, and promotes the development of this model in France. While shareholder foundations are a widespread model of ownership and governance in Northern Europe, with famous examples (NovoNordisk, Bosch, Carlsberg, Velux, Rolex, etc) and many family ETIs involved, they are still very rare in France.
Created in 2018 on the initiative of Prophil, the De Facto community is aimed to make this model known and to develop its practice, in the light of the best European examples.
Our goals

Thanks to its network of European correspondents and experts, De Facto offers a monitoring on the most emblematic examples and on the ongoing research. De Facto is a privileged, confidential, and friendly space of
exchanges and peer-to-peer meetings for people sincerely committed to the process by adhering to a common charter.Through regular meetings and thematic workshops, De
Facto encourages the professionalization of actors and the sharing of good practices.

The De Facto community promotes the ShareholderFoundation model to other French entrepreneurs and does advocacy work with policy makers.

Thanks to its network of European correspondents and experts, De Facto offers a monitoring on the most emblematic examples nd on the ongoing research. Study
trips are an opportunity for De Facto members to discover together the models and the practices of European pioneers.
Our activities

Our community
Our European correspondents
Community partners