Prophil is a mission-led company, specialized in research and consulting, focusing on companies’ contribution to the common good. We help committed entrepreneurs implement alternative strategies.
Prophil’s mission is to explore and bring up new economic and governance models at the service of the common good, and support entrepreneurs at all stages of their engagement.
Prophil activities are based on two complementary departments :
Explore new business models, useful and contributing to the common good.
Support pioneer entrepreneurs and their transformation projects in order to combine economic efficiency and social utility
Changemakers' testimonies
de facto
Our community DE FACTO
Created in 2018 on the initiative of Prophil, the De Facto community aims at making make this model known and developing its practice, in the light of the best European examples.
The De Facto community brings French entrepreneurs pioneers of shareholder foundations together, creates a network of European experts and correspondents, and promotes the development of this model in France. While shareholder foundations are a widespread model of ownership and governance in Northern Europe, with famous examples (NovoNordisk, Bosch, Carlsberg, Velux, Rolex, etc) and many family ETIs involved, they are still very rare in France.